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Postby Dutchie » Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:25 pm

Hello everyone! I have question that seems to be a hot topic with some. I use a laser pointer as a reward for my dog and she goes ba-zonkers for it (yes, that is the technical term). I have also taught her that when I say "we're done" that the laser goes away and I offer her a tug toy which she'll take after a few seconds. I have not let her get obsessive with the laser as I have seen some dogs do. SO, my question is thus: do you think/believe that a reward has to be a physical thing for the dog to carry around or eat? If the dog didn't get anything out of chasing the light (reward), wouldn't he/she stop chasing it? I've known tons of dogs with ball drive that are obsessed with tennis balls so what is the difference?? Just the fact that there is nothing physical to carry around? I'd love to hear your opinions! Thank you!

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