new to trailing

An area to discuss K9 Training - Tracking/Trailing issues

new to trailing

Postby AmyH » Thu May 07, 2009 3:33 pm

Hi all,

I am currently thinking of training my lab to do trailing as think it will be more suited to him than airsecnting, i have done alot of research into it but any extra advice from guys who do it will be great. Plus my biggest worry is how to change him from airscenting to trailing any help will be good.


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Re: new to trailing

Postby Drew » Thu May 07, 2009 4:22 pm

Hi Amy

I'm resarching this subject also as I'd like to duel train Jasper my Springer. From what I'me lead to believe its good to have a back ground in Air scenting, it helps the dog trail rather than Track.

I'll pass on any usefull info i find.

Good luck.
Drew & Jaspa Doggy
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Re: new to trailing

Postby AmyH » Thu May 07, 2009 4:30 pm

brill thanx, i read that airscenting helps, just dont want him to only keep air scenting,
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Re: new to trailing

Postby Daryl » Thu May 07, 2009 6:27 pm

Look at the trailing training in Ready!, ARDA Manual and "Pete's Manual" I'm sure they all explain that the begining is the same for both Air Scent and Trailing, but then goes on to tell you how to continue Trailing.

There are others on here with a lot more knowledge than I on the subject!
Daryl Toogood
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Re: new to trailing

Postby mkp123 » Thu May 27, 2010 8:34 am

Ever knew the difference between trailing and air scenting? I thought it was almost the same thing. But it isn’t. Air scenting as the name indicates is done by following the traces of human scent. Trailing on the other hand is following traces of human tissues or skin which is fallen down as one travels. So unlike the air scent dogs, they have to keep their nose close to the ground. Quite interesting fact, isn’t it?
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